Organization and Charitable Status

Bethel Baptist Church is an unincorporated, registered charity with the Canada Revenue Agency.  In compliance with federal regulations, an annual Charity Information Return is submitted to the Charities Directorate. Bethel Baptist Church is an Affiliate Member of the Canadian Council of Christian Charities (CCCC)

Annual Audit

Bethel Baptist Church retains an independent auditor to conduct an audit at the end of each fiscal year. The desire is transparency while ensuring accountability against fraud or error. Internal financial statements, alongside all supporting documentation, are reviewed in accordance with Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations.  The resulting audit opinion and financial statements are presented to our Elder Team. The Membership is subsequently updated as to the results. 

Designated Giving Policy

Bethel Baptist Church adheres to a Designated Giving Regulation which outlines the allowances and restrictions associated with designated giving.  It is the right and responsibility of the Elder Team to use all gifts and contributions in a way that honours God and the purposes of Bethel Baptist Church, while respecting rules and regulations outlined by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).  The regulations states:

“Spending of funds is confined to Elder Team approved programs and projects.  Each contribution directed toward an approved program or project will be used as restricted with the understanding that when the need for such a program or project has been met, or cannot be completed for any reason as determined by the Elder Team, the remaining restricted contributions will be used where most needed.”

If you have any questions regarding the financial systems or status of Bethel Baptist Church, please contact our offices or email